If you prefer to use commands through git, here are the 6 most useful git commands you can use in the project.
Check unmerged branches
If we have multiple branches and want to find out which branches haven't merged master yet, we can use:
git branch --no-merged master
Use vim as the default commit message editor
We only need to run this once, if you have any other favorite editor, make sure you have the the program name linked backed to /usr/local/bin
git config --global core.editor "vim"
Discard unstaged changes and go back to last commit
Warning: this is an irrevocable operation
git reset --hard HEAD^1
Checkout last used branch
"-" variable means last used branch name
git checkout -
Find all the branch names which has a certain commit
git branch --contains adf8038
Find all the branch names which has a certain tag
git branch --contains v1.1.3
Check the change history of a certain file
Which will list the author name, change date time, commit hash and etc
git blame AppDelegate.swift
7af68a64 (Ben LIU 2019-11-08 17:02:13 +1000 35) Change A
35cc7b19 (Ben LIU 2020-06-23 06:53:28 +1000 36) Change B
7af68a64 (Ben LIU 2019-11-08 17:02:13 +1000 37) Change C
Change the author name
git commit --amend --author='Author Name <email@address.com>'
Delete all the stash
git stash clear
Export a branch to a file
git bundle create <file> <branch-name>
Import bundle as a new branch
Will import and create a new branch from the repo.bundle created above.
git clone repo.bundle <repo-dir> -b <branch-name>