Unity: Real example shows the difference of three Canvas UI Scale Modes

Unity: Real example shows the difference of three Canvas UI Scale Modes, Constant Pixel Size, Scale With Screen Size and Constant Physical Size

· 2 min read
Unity: Real example shows the difference of  three Canvas UI Scale Modes

There are three options on the Canvas UI Scale Mode, Constant Pixel Size, Scale with Screen Size and Constant Physical Size. This article will demonstrate the difference between those three modes with an real example.

Constant Pixel Size

Makes UI elements retain the same size in pixels regardless of screen size. Suitable for fixed screen size.

Constant Pixel Size

Example of an UI on iPhone XS:

Constant Pixel Size on iPhone

Same UI on iPad:

Constant Pixel Size on iPad

Note that: The joystick and Button A and B are the same size on different screen size.

Scale With Screen Size

Makes UI elements bigger the bigger the screen is. Set reference resolution as the basic resolution. This is recommended for most of the 2D games.

For the Screen match mode, there are three options here: Match width or height, Expand or Shrink.

Scale With Screen Size

Example of an UI on iPhone XS:

Scale With Screen Size on iPhone

Same UI on iPad:

Scale With Screen Size on iPad

Constant Physical Size

Makes UI elements retain the same physical size regardless of screen size and resolution.

Constant Physical Size

Example of an UI on iPhone XS:

Constant Physical Size on iPhone

Same UI on iPad:

Constant Physical Size on iPad

Note that: The joystick and Button A and B are using the actual size in the game regardless of the device size and resolution.
